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Monday, August 31, 2015

Active Teacher Tuesdays Linky!!!

Teaching's a hard job, but finding work-life balance is even harder and finding time to stay fit is virtually impossible....but we're teachers...we're superheros right?

So, it's time to motive each other and hold ourselves accountable to spend some time each week to get up and active!

Share what you've been up to the past week, or what you plan to do to stay active!

Grab the image below, plug in what you've been up to (open it up in Word, PowerPoint, or Paint and just add a text box over it), and then link back up to join the #FitTeacher tribe!

1 comment:

  1. This is a great idea! Thanks for hosting this! It is always hard to make sure we are taking care of ourselves, but so important so we can continue to help others! Hope you are off to a great start for the beginning of your school year!

